Falls Hlmbr seven in Indonesia

Falls Hlmbr seven CURUG CILEMBERs 
Waterfalls, about 30 kilometers from Bogor, which is a convergent Falls of up seven waterfalls and a height of 40 meters, and in spite of the smallness they attract large numbers of them around the world where it is believed that the waters heal many ailments also believed to be the elixir of youth. 
Months waterfall called Hosellumbr The temperature where between 18-23drjh Schlesaoz which is covered by hills and pine trees and a waterfall East, which is the most populated of where there are around several ponds that surround it is suitable for swimming, one of the appropriate places to capture the landscape in the midst of natural places near water waterfalls pouring where come to this place, newly married to take pictures of the wedding. 
Waterfall his fifth Senior Jamal Almtloloh waters that descend between the rocks and the trees surrounding the waterfall either seventh difficult to reach him and weaves around many mythological stories which he had been living somewhere where one of the beautiful princesses from antiquity and other fictional stories about enchanted places 
You are using the manual to guide you in the area of ​​waterfalls and there near the waterfall resort for overnight and is suitable for families and has different services and prices R. There are very suitable and waterfall allowed near him all the services as there are restaurants to provide meals and stalls to provide drinks and snacks also contain the hills surrounding the waterfall on the wild flowers Raúgh beauty such as orchid and rare plants when you go to Bgeor do not miss a visit Falls Hlmbr charming.

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