Houhai Lake in Beijing

Houhai Lake in Beijing 

Houhai Lake 

Near Park Beihai lake is located charming versus the northern gate and the lake located in the center of Beijing to the proximity of the Forbidden City was the surrounding area a place to set up officials of the royal court and nobles in the city and in the present time became attract them tourists from home and abroad to Qdhaouaoqat distinct where includes many popular restaurants and restaurants The world famous coffee shops and entertainment spots, markets and so distinctive addition to the historical and archeological sites and the Drum and bell Towers and ancient dwellings of the writers and officials of the imperial court. 
Authors renowned author Revolutionary Guo Moh Roh and author Sung Tsing Ling and author Maodon Among the most famous palaces by the Palace of Prince Gong have been staying in this palace Shin, one of the corrupt leaders in the Imperial Guard Qianlong and the lake in the evening implications of the limelight by an impressive where you can spend an evening featured in a restaurant that attracts celebrities from around the world, such as global rock stars and movie stars and attracts alley lotus Bamaknh entertainment of tourists from all over the place as well as the West Bank of the Lake will spend time in this place distinctive will not forget.

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