Places of tourist and archaeological in Jordan 1

Places of tourist and archaeological in Jordan 
Tourism in Jordan 

Jordan enjoys the benefits and elements of geographical, historical and natural make it a tourist country in all seasons of the year and meet most of the goals sought by tourists. Where there are religious sites, archaeological sites, resorts and Almcati and natural springs, forests, deserts and beaches. 
And can be summed types of tourism in Jordan in the following points: 

1 cultural tourism: 
And include a visit to the archaeological sites to see them and see civilizations and traditions of the peoples who lived in the region during the ancient times. There are thousands of historical and archaeological sites in Jordan and most important cities of Petra and Jerash, and Karak Castle, and Rabd, Umm Qais and the Roman amphitheater and a cave in which they occurred Inscription story of the cave which was mentioned in the Koran. 

2 Medical Tourism: 
It means the natural mineral springs for physical and psychological comfort and visit clinics and places of hospitalization is the most important beaches of Aqaba and the Dead Sea and Ma'in Spa and Ofra and sulfur water in the Jordan Valley and especially in the Hamma area. 
There are in Jordan many modern hospitals equipped with equipment developed and supervised by doctors Jordanian distinguished in their clinical skills and specialize in all types of treatments, whether they are in government hospitals or private, and receives Jordan annually more than one hundred thousand Arab citizens of the treatment was conducted for each open heart surgeries, and transfer kidneys and treat infertility .. etc.. 

3 of religious tourism: 
And means to visit historical places of religious, and there are in Jordan, many of these places and shrines, particularly in the areas of Karak, Ma'an and the Jordan Valley, and Salt, such as the tombs of companions Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawahah and Zaid bin Haritha and Abu Abeida and Sharhabeel bin good and Dirar bin Azores, God bless them . 

4 Tourism summer: 
The diversity of climate zones in Jordan grace of God, many of the tourists coming to Jordan for a summer holiday in the airspace such as the picturesque forests and mountains of Ajloun and Dibeen. The atmosphere in the capital nice and refreshing, especially in the mountainous areas where there are gardens and parks. 

5 sports tourism: 
Where tourists practiced many types of granulocytes their sport such as water skiing, swimming, fishing and hunting, especially in the areas of Aqaba and Wadi Rum and blue. 

6 - winter tourism: 
Include spend the winter or part of it in places of natural warmth, especially in the areas of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea and Aqaba. There are other types of tourism. 
Tourist areas: 

Amman, Jordan, located in the northwestern part of Jordan toward the «90» km from Jerusalem. The modern city of Amman in almost the same position, which was occupied by the ancient city «Ammon». It also names the old «Philadelphia» which means brotherly love among the Romans. During her long historical underwent Oman Assyrians, Chaldeans, and the Hyksos, Persians, Greeks and Romans, has left behind a lot of effects, most notably «Roman amphitheater» which can accommodate up to five thousand spectators 
Between nineteen mountain, and sits on the slopes Amman the capital of Jordan since time immemorial. It is the goddess of Ammon that Chadha Ammonites ancient capital of them, a city that flourished in the days of the Greeks and Romans, and bore the name of Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love). 

Everyone is the house, and a fellow visitor, and where the old meets the talk, and meet lovers of life, work, and recreation, and science, where the seat of government and administration, and ministries of state, it is also the commercial center of the kingdom. 

Is a city of small and large, men and women, family and friends, unmarried and married, and where the appeal of the researcher from the bustle and researcher for calm .. It is a city for all, opens its arms and doors of houses built with stone white Per guests Jordan coming across land borders or arriving by air to airport Queen Alia International Airport (35 kilometers south of the capital). 

Archaeological sites 

Enjoy Oman with a wealth of monuments timeless, For Mount castle rises the Temple of Hercules, along with the Museum of Antiquities, which the visitor can watch the tools represent human life in the age immemorial, and in the center of the city is located, for nymphs, and close to the way stands the Roman amphitheater large which can accommodate five thousand spectators. 
Roman amphitheater is located at the foot of Mount Joufeh in the city of Amman. Indicate Greek writing on one of the existing platforms columns that this runway was built in honor of the emperor, who visited Oman Maderjnos year 130 AD to launch a route from Basra and Elmar e Jerash and Amman to the Dead Sea. Runway accommodates six thousand scenes and consists of three layers separating each layer and the other two meters convergence threshold. It also permeates these layers corridors totaling eight in each layer. 
This temple dates back to the Roman era in the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelbus (180 _161) and is similar to the model of the Temple of Artemis in Jerash and represent the image restoration and installation of the columns that were progressing Alchorntah temple has been the maintenance and restoration of the temple. 
Nbeys shrine and is sometimes called Nbeys Palace, located 100 meters south of the intersection of town and Tariq Highway Amman - blue. And a Roman shrine dates back to the second century AD, an area of ​​12 square meters and surface mount dome stands brackets, it is known that in the Roman era tombs are the tombs of the rich families and is one of the various methods of burial, which proliferated in that era. 

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