Summer Palace in India

Summer Palace in India 
It's architectural masterpieces deals in India, which has taken the character of Indian and Islamic world together in its architectural style, where he began being built in the era of "Haider Ali Hyder Ali" and ended in the era of Sultan Tiba Sultan Tipu "in 1791, and became in his time place of residence summer, but in the colonization British palace became a place for diplomats before moving him to the British in 1868. 

Construction of the palace was based on a kind of wood Teak, and inlaid walls and ceilings where a lot of decorations magnificent taken forms of flowers in the mural paintings Ultimate, also contains the palace on a paintings wonderful era King "Tipu", along with one of artifacts from the era of "Tipu" which was divided by the British may not be sold to one person because they are precious pieces. 

At the moment, the palace gallery displays works of Sultan ŘíČĺ Tipu, history and achievements in the rooms the palace, where he developed a lot of paintings that have been painted in the modern era and that talk about the era of the Sultan, as there are a lot of fashion for the Sultan, and his crown royal silver and gold along with some of the exhibits, which are due to King Haider "So this is the palace of the most landmarks in Bangalore Bangalore attractive for tourists.

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