Rome (Italian: Roma) is the capital of Italy and the municipality and the largest city in the country and the most populous with more than 2.7 million people spread over an area of 1,285.3 km 2.
The city is located in the west central part of the Italian peninsula, on the Tiber River in the Lazio region of Italy.
Rome is today one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, due to its embrace archaeological and artistic treasures untold, as well as the charm of unique traditions, the beauty of the panoramic Atalaladtha, and the greatness of its gardens.
Among the most important landmarks in Rome are museums such as the Museum of the Capitol Musei Capitolini, the Vatican Museums the Vatican Museums, Gallery Borghese Galleria Borghese, in addition to exhibitions dedicated to modern and contemporary art, far away from this area, we find that Rome is full also channels water, fountains, churches , palaces and historic buildings, monuments and monuments that date back to the Roman era.
Rome importance of tourism seriously, it occupies third place as a city more visit in the European Union, after London and Paris as it receives an average of 7-10 million tourists a year Vmadrj Colosseum alone receives 4 million tourists and the Vatican Museums receives about 4.2 million tourists, who are No. 39 and 37 (on the respectively) of the most visited places in the world, according to a recent study.